We can copy Library A form details to Library B form in onLoad. What is the filter value for these two fields? While opening the Library B form, where we need to get the details from Library A (what is the file name of the form)?
If you want unique ID is file name then we will load Library A form details to Library B form using GetList web service connection.
After getting the Library A form in onLoad, we can replace the nodes with old node If both schema structure is same. Otherwise we have to populate the field's data by field.
Replace the node code:
IXMLDOMNode OldChild = libraryAFormDOM.selectSingleNode("<XPath of the node>");
IXMLDOMNode NewChild = thisXDocument.selectSingleNode("<XPath of the node need to be replace with this node");
Populate the node data:
string OldChildValue = libraryAFormDOM.selectSingleNode("<XPath of the node>").text;
thisXDocument.selectSingleNode("<XPath of the node need to be replace with this node").text = OldChildValue;
Note: The above code in C#.