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  • Re: Preserve forms as PDF from decommissioned InfoPath 2010 solution?

    I have worked on the infopath to pdf conversion, there are different approaches to do this, but I suggest to go for xslt approach and apply transform. Reach me if you need any help in converting InfoPath to PDF .
    Posted to InfoPath 2010 (Forum) by sathia on 06-06-2024
  • Re: sum preceding nodes in repeating sections

    I know this is an older thread but hoping for some assistance. My XML (nodes) look like this - replacing the arrow brackets with round for formatting (dsStatement) (tt-printdata) (EmailSubject)Statement(/EmailSubject) (/tt-printdata) (StatementHeader) (CompanyNo)5000(/CompanyNo) (StatementLine) (InvoiceCharge...
    Posted to Newbie Questions (Forum) by stevec on 01-30-2024
  • Best way to copy data from InfoPath form library to SharePoint list

    I am not sure if this is the best option but here goes. I am in the process of creating new apps for our old InfoPath forms where needed. In a couple instances these are from an InfoPath forms library but they need to have access to the historical data. I need the best option for viewing the historical...
    Posted to General (Forum) by BejeweledOne on 07-02-2020
  • Data validation error for field with custom pattern validation

    Hi all, I'm having an issue with having an InfoPath Form where I have created a data validation rule where the text field will give a validation error unless it does not match one of the patterns below: \d\d\p{L}\d\d\d\-\d\d\-\p{L}\p{L}\-\d\d\d\d (Which gives an example of 00A000-00-AA-0000) or ...
    Posted to InfoPath 2010 (Forum) by mstefanik on 02-13-2020
  • Infopath not showing expanded on certain PCs.

    Hi. When opening a form it does not view fully in infopath. One user it show correct (expanded) and the other one it shows small. I cant get the smaller one to view like it must view. Where can I upload to check.
    Posted to Views (Forum) by Stephan on 07-11-2019
  • Query XML Secondary Data Source from Text Input Box

    I'm trying to figure out how to query an xml file without using a dropdown box. The user inputs an account number in a text box, clicks the search icon, and it returns name, balance, rate, etc... It works great with a dropdown (I don't need the search button with the dropdown); but I haven't...
    Posted to Newbie Questions (Forum) by ronstinson on 08-13-2018
  • T-SQL Possible in .UDCX?

    I have a successful data connection, and in the udcx file, I have a SQL query that is successful, however i would like to use a T-SQL function LOWER() to return one particular column back in all lower case. When I try to do this, the column does not return any data. After some googling I have come up...
    Posted to Data Connections (Forum) by fuzzbear on 07-18-2018
  • [Issue] IP form displaying on HTML page

    Hello, I've had difficulties searching for a solution on this one. Not sure if anyone uses this setup here. Here's what I have: InfoPath form published in a SharePoint library saving the files as .xml I have a JSON string in a text file within the library for that form jQuery script that fetches...
    Posted to InfoPath (Forum) by The Noob on 05-07-2018
  • InfoPath 2013 - XML Parsing Error

    Hi, hope this isn't a duplicate. I'm working in an enterprise environment. I recently upgraded to from Windows 7/Office 2010/SharePoint 2010 to Windows 10/Office365/SharePoint 2016. I have InfoPath Designer 2013. I can create & publish new forms and edit & publish existing forms. However...
    Posted to General (Forum) by brutchersp on 04-25-2018
  • Badly formatted XML forms

    Hello, I'm using Infopath 2013. It happens that Infopath xml forms are not well formatted with long lines that includes lot of fields. It makes it painful to make a diff with a previous version of the file. I fix the formatting and indentation with command "xmllint --format". Formatting...
    Posted to General (Forum) by AlainG on 02-03-2017
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