I'm using Shiraz Cupala's method to repeat table headers of a repeating table across multiple pages - and it works great.
However, I also want to add a field displaying the amount carried over from the preceeding page. Placing the field at the appropriat position on every page isn't a problem but I can't get the "sum()" expression right.
My Node-Tree looks like this:
- MyFields
- RepSecGroup
- RepSec
- PBreak
- ColumnHead
- Date
- Occasion
- Amount
- CarryOver Amount
I want my "carry over"(called "sum") field to sum up the values from all "Amount"-Nodes in the preceding sections and I don't know how to point my sum-command to that node-set.
My guess was: sum(../preceding-sibling::my:RepSec/my:Amount) with .. going to parent node, then to the preceding sibling nodes of that and from there into the actual node I want within each sibling node. But that isn't working.
Is there a good source for learning how to "navigate" XPath? MSDN seems to only have an overview of some possible functions to be used in InfoPath expressions