How to dianamically add textbox data to Repeating table in InfoPath - InfoPath Dev

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How to dianamically add textbox data to Repeating table in InfoPath

Last post 08-19-2019 12:44 AM by Christeen. 2 replies.
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  • 08-02-2019 02:42 AM

    How to dianamically add textbox data to Repeating table in InfoPath

    Hi I have an InfoPath form with Textboxes as given below Contact Name Cost Center Number Cost Center Name Company Code Button Just below this I have a Repeating table control. Whenever I add new data in textboxes and press 'ADD' button. The data must be added to repeating table and textboxes must be cleared.Each time i add data Data must be poppulated to Repeating table.Can anyone suggest a solution Thanks in advance, Christy
  • 08-02-2019 08:23 AM In reply to

    Re: How to dianamically add textbox data to Repeating table in InfoPath

    So - the issue is that in InfoPath there is no rule based way to add an instance of a repeating group. You could do something with default data & conditional formatting - but you have to pick an outer limit of how many rows you'll allow. I'm attaching a sample where I've put that limit at 5 rows - but it could be larger if you added more instances of the group under Data > Default data on the ribbon. Save the file locally, right click and select design, then you can preview and try it. If this is going to be used in the browser, and if you will have a lot of rows in the default data, you should test it carefully - sometimes browser forms can be a bit more finicky than filler.
    Hilary Stoupa

  • 08-19-2019 12:44 AM In reply to

    Re: How to dianamically add textbox data to Repeating table in InfoPath

    Hi Hilary,

    It was a very good idea and that really helped me. Thank you very much for the help.



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