Sort (order by) an REST data connection for a drop-down list - InfoPath Dev

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Sort (order by) an REST data connection for a drop-down list

Last post 11-13-2017 10:16 AM by TOE_CHEESE. 2 replies.
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  • 11-09-2017 11:06 AM

    Sort (order by) an REST data connection for a drop-down list

    I can bring in a column of data into my drop-down list from a REST connection using the following expression... count(preceding-sibling::ns2:c) = 0. However, I need to sort this data alphabetically. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
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  • 11-10-2017 04:57 PM In reply to

    Re: Sort (order by) an REST data connection for a drop-down list

     Since you aren't using ODATA for that connection, I don't think you'll be able to sort it. Can you store the data in Excel sorted the way you want it returned?

    Hilary Stoupa

  • 11-13-2017 10:16 AM In reply to

    Re: Sort (order by) an REST data connection for a drop-down list

    Thank you. It shouldn't be much of a problem to sort the data prior to uploading to SharePoint.
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