Sort (order by) an REST data connection for a drop-down list - InfoPath Dev Sign in | Join | Help in Data Connections InfoPath (Entire Site) InfoPath Dev InfoPath Dev is dedicated to bringing you the information and tools you need to be successful in your Microsoft Office InfoPath development projects. Home Blogs Forums Photos Downloads InfoPath Dev » InfoPath » Data Connections » Sort (order by) an REST data connection for a drop-down list Use our Google Custom Search for best site search results. Sort (order by) an REST data connection for a drop-down list Last post 11-13-2017 10:16 AM by TOE_CHEESE. 2 replies. Page 1 of 1 (3 items) Sort Posts: Oldest to newest Newest to oldest Previous Next 11-09-2017 11:06 AM TOE_CHEESE Joined on 02-11-2016 Posts 77 Sort (order by) an REST data connection for a drop-down list Reply Contact I can bring in a column of data into my drop-down list from a REST connection using the following expression... count(preceding-sibling::ns2:c) = 0. However, I need to sort this data alphabetically. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. Filed under: infopath2010 11-10-2017 04:57 PM In reply to Hilary Stoupa Joined on 06-20-2008 Posts 13,248 Re: Sort (order by) an REST data connection for a drop-down list Mark as Not AnswerMark as Answer... Reply Contact Since you aren't using ODATA for that connection, I don't think you'll be able to sort it. Can you store the data in Excel sorted the way you want it returned? Hilary Stoupa 11-13-2017 10:16 AM In reply to TOE_CHEESE Joined on 02-11-2016 Posts 77 Re: Sort (order by) an REST data connection for a drop-down list Mark as Not AnswerMark as Answer... Reply Contact Thank you. It shouldn't be much of a problem to sort the data prior to uploading to SharePoint. Page 1 of 1 (3 items) Copyright © 2003-2019 Qdabra Software. All rights reserved.View our Terms of Use.
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Since you aren't using ODATA for that connection, I don't think you'll be able to sort it. Can you store the data in Excel sorted the way you want it returned?