Filtering XML Data - InfoPath Dev

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Filtering XML Data

Last post 02-24-2012 01:39 PM by jrudolph. 1 replies.
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  • 02-24-2012 01:16 PM

    • jrudolph
    • Top 150 Contributor
    • Joined on 07-02-2008
    • Orlando, FL
    • Posts 67

    Filtering XML Data

    I have an Excel file that I have converted to XML that has a repeating group named "Projects" with 5 colunms, FirstName, LastName, ID, ProjectName, Date.  I am trying to filter/retrieve data out of the XML file but have encountered some issues.

    Method 1:  In InfoPath 2010 I have created a new blank form adding the XML file as a secondary data source.  I have added a text control to use for typing in the ID with a search button and finally the "Projects" group as a repeating table beneath text entry and search button.  When I click preview the entirety of the XML file is properly displayed.

    I now want to be able to type in an ID number into the text control and when I press the button, have the values be filtered to return only those rows as the ID number.

    I have not been successful at figuring out how to do this.


    Method 2:  Same set up as Method 1, except I have added a new repeating table with five columns labeled the same as the XML file with adding "Form" at the end to distinguish between the Main and Secondary sources.  I want it so that when the Search button is pressed it returns those rows where the ID number matches the value in the text box.  I have been successful in getting this method to work, however it only returns the first row and not ALL rows with the same ID number from the XML file.

    Any help or assistance on this would be greatly appreciated.


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  • 02-24-2012 01:39 PM In reply to

    • jrudolph
    • Top 150 Contributor
    • Joined on 07-02-2008
    • Orlando, FL
    • Posts 67

    I have actually discovered an answer to method one in another forum listing that I came across:

    But still interested in seeing if Method 2 is possible, even though Method 1 seems easier now that I have figured it out.

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