Hi there,
First time I post a problem on this forum! Normally a search through the posts here will do, but today my luck has run out...
I have an Infopath Form, obviously, which uses a webservice to get secondary data. The webservice generates an XML of the data it will get from an SQL-database. When I submit the form, the webservice will retrieve the main datasource and will perform the necessary actions. The form itself doesn't contain any code.
When I publish the form to a SharePoint-site and try to open it with Internet Explorer, the browser prompts me about a script that causes the browser to run slowly... Mozilla Firefox on the other hand doesn't complain... I noticed that one of the secondary datasources is quite large. I've a secondary datasource that contains about 1600 postalcodes and cities, but I need all the data in the form. The strange thing about this problem is, although all the data is present in the dropdown, Internet Explorer still keeps complaining about a script that's running! When I abort the script, I can't find any issues caused by aborting the script... So my first question is... Why? Why is IE still running a script? The damn data is already there, stop running the script, piece of sh*t browser! :-)
When I submit the form, after a while InfoPath Services gives me an error that some rules were not applied. But again, everything went fine and I only get this error when running the form in a browser from the SharePoint server. Is there a way to run the webservice and close the form without the form keeping to wait for a response of the webservice? Or does anyone know a better solution?
Hopefully all of this makes sense... Don't hesitate to ask more information!