Overriding Permissions in SharePoint designer vs. InfoPath button? - InfoPath Dev

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Overriding Permissions in SharePoint designer vs. InfoPath button?

Last post 01-06-2025 11:39 AM by jaimeedex. 11 replies.
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  • 12-13-2024 06:39 AM

    Overriding Permissions in SharePoint designer vs. InfoPath button?

    I am trying to restrict the person selected in my form is the only person that is allowed to approve or reject. Basically wanting to format the button to allow my field InfoPath (person) to be able to run the actions on the button on individual views. As it stands now anyone is able to “approve” the task, however only the person named will get the email for the request. I’ve played around with it and seem to format the button with conditions, but it isn’t submitting the information. I’ve also worked it into the workflow (see below). Do I need to add it within the workflow, or is it just a format on my button on each view? I've gone down the path of using my workflow to set permissions based on fields in my form. Why isn't it working?? I started in Impersonation step and my conditions and rules look like below; If Current Item:SPEC_REVIEW_APPROVAL is empty value Replace Read, View Only, Full Control of item in this list I'm replacing the group to View only/ Read that isn't allowed to approve, and granting full control back to the manager group. Can someone please help me out? Should I continue down this path, or somehow utilize my approve buttons to restrict who can run the button rules. Thank you
  • 12-13-2024 02:05 PM In reply to

    • SeanPRyan
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    Re: Overriding Permissions in SharePoint designer vs. InfoPath button?

    What I do in my form is place an admin section at the bottom of every form that I can see and interact with. I then create a section for what I will label as Manager Actions. I use rules to hide both sections based on the logged in user. Make sure the rules pane is open. Click the Data tab and Form Load. New Rule > action > set a field's value. My text field is called Loggedin. It runs when the form opens and sets the Loggedin field in the hidden admin section to the current logged in user for that session: domain\login. I use the translate function to set every letter to lower case as well. The function looks like this: substring-after(translate(userName(), "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYXZ", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"), "|"). I use the substring because I want to get rid of the auth noise ahead of the username. Next, click on the mangers section and create a formatting rule to hide it if the loggedin field is not equal to the manager Loggedin that matches. If Loggedin is not equal to domain\joedoe then hide. Do likewise with the admin section and use your own login. Now, the manager can see that field and interact with it, but the general user cannot. If I wish to show the value on screen to the end user, I can use a Calculated field to display those results.
  • 01-03-2025 08:19 AM In reply to

    Re: Overriding Permissions in SharePoint designer vs. InfoPath button?

    Reading this, it’s seems like this is exactly what I’m looking for. Any chance you tutor? Is it possible to connect via zoom and we can walk through this?
  • 01-03-2025 02:32 PM In reply to

    Re: Overriding Permissions in SharePoint designer vs. InfoPath button?

    I don't know about using workflow / impersonation for this. In terms of just showing / hiding a button if the person who opens the form is the one with permissions, here's a simple sample form. Save the attached form locally then right click the saved form and select Design to open in Design mode. You don't mention if you are using browser or filler forms - you may need to publish this to try it out.
    Hilary Stoupa

  • 01-06-2025 07:48 AM In reply to

    Re: Overriding Permissions in SharePoint designer vs. InfoPath button?

    I love this! thank you! I just can't get my current user value to match my approver which is in display name form that is chosen from a cascading drop down within the form. Can I do the same but have the username formatted in display name? which currently looks like, Dexter, Jaimee, for example. ( my user name is jdexter)
  • 01-06-2025 10:04 AM In reply to

    Re: Overriding Permissions in SharePoint designer vs. InfoPath button?

    Ohhh, that makes it harder. InfoPath doesn't have any options built in that would get you that display name. Where does your dropdown get its data? Is it hardcoded, or from a list?
    Hilary Stoupa

  • 01-06-2025 10:48 AM In reply to

    Re: Overriding Permissions in SharePoint designer vs. InfoPath button?

    from a separate list in our SharePoint :(
  • 01-06-2025 10:51 AM In reply to

    Re: Overriding Permissions in SharePoint designer vs. InfoPath button?

    And does that list have a column that is person / group for selecting these approvers? Or is the display name just typed in?
    Hilary Stoupa

  • 01-06-2025 11:04 AM In reply to

    Re: Overriding Permissions in SharePoint designer vs. InfoPath button?

    I kind of did a work around. I created a hidden section where I added a current user and user ID. Current user is my calculated field of get the user logged in. and the user ID is a value I set from a rule on my manager approve (display name) field. example if manager = Dexter, jaimee then set fields value to i:0#.w|enterprise\jdexter. Then I added all my buttons into a section and placed a rule on that stating if current user does not equal userID then hide section. I tested; it works. not sure if that's the best way LOL
  • 01-06-2025 11:06 AM In reply to

    Re: Overriding Permissions in SharePoint designer vs. InfoPath button?

    just typed in based on our names in our address book at work so when it pulls Dexter, Jaimee lets say, that correlates to the workflow to send an email that is tied to my display name within our directory.
  • 01-06-2025 11:26 AM In reply to

    Re: Overriding Permissions in SharePoint designer vs. InfoPath button?

    Hey, as long as it works. You could also have added a column to your list for a person / group picker for the approver as well, then you would have been able to have that data in your secondary data source. But this is fine too. :)
    Hilary Stoupa

  • 01-06-2025 11:39 AM In reply to

    Re: Overriding Permissions in SharePoint designer vs. InfoPath button?

    thank you for your help!! Much appreciated :)
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