InfoPath File Overwrite-Creating New File - InfoPath Dev

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InfoPath File Overwrite-Creating New File

Last post 02-12-2024 02:30 PM by LaceM. 2 replies.
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  • 02-12-2024 12:00 PM

    • LaceM
    • Not Ranked
    • Joined on 01-27-2021
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    InfoPath File Overwrite-Creating New File

    Good Afternoon, I have a InfoPath 2013 Form Customers submit requesting supplies. When submitted a Nintex Workflow send the current items xml file to an email address the customer put in their submitted form. When they click the link they see an "InfoPath" Approval Screen. However when they select Yes of No Button under "Do you approve this request" a new record in the SharePoint List is created rather than updating the current record. The file name is concat(userid,now()) upon submission and allow overwrite if form exists is yes I have a status field that is set to pending approval upon submission. I have tried several rules on the "YES" and "NO" buttons but I just cant see to get this correct. I am sure it is something small that I am just overlooking. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am trying to fix this for my office on top of my day to day non IT or infopath jobs.
  • 02-12-2024 02:08 PM In reply to

    Re: InfoPath File Overwrite-Creating New File

    The problem is likely that "now()" is returning the current date time on submit. And if the userid is actually using the userName() function, that would maybe change each submit as well. I would probably add a new field for the form name and on form submit, if the form name field is blank, use a rule to set the new field to a formula that includes "now()". Then change the submit connection to use that new field. I'm attaching a sample - it submits to my site, so you can't submit it, but at least you'll be able to see what I mean. Right click the linked file and save locally, right click the saved file and select "Design" to open in Design mode. I have my rules on a regular button - similar rules could also be put in the Submit rules for the form.
    Hilary Stoupa

  • 02-12-2024 02:30 PM In reply to

    • LaceM
    • Not Ranked
    • Joined on 01-27-2021
    • Posts 6

    Re: InfoPath File Overwrite-Creating New File

    I will give this a try - I was trying a workaround with nintex workflow Created a text Variable. Use a "Build Dynamic String" action. Insert the following reference: {Common:WebUrl}/Lists/{Common:ListName}/EditForm.aspx?ID={ItemProperty:ID} Choose to store the result in the workflow variable Added that variable to the email notification as a lookup When the lookup variable (EditForm.aspx) in the email notification is selected customers get a The page you're looking for doesn't exist, so I am trying to correct this.
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