According to my previous question (https://www.infopathdev.com/forums/t/40434.aspx) about (converting separate string fields to separated emails in a text box field)
and very good solution I have received I have problem in using Eval function in my form (Attached). when I use below code in field1 of my form:
"substring(eval(eval(SharePointListItem_RW[contains(Matrix, Discipline2)], 'concat(xdXDocument:GetDOM("LeadManagers")/dfs:myFields/dfs:dataFields/d:SharePointListItem_RW/d:GrantAccess/pc:Person/pc:AccountId, ";")'), ".."), 1, string-length(eval(eval(SharePointListItem_RW[contains(Matrix, Discipline2)], 'concat(xdXDocument:GetDOM("LeadManagers")/dfs:myFields/dfs:dataFields/d:SharePointListItem_RW/d:GrantAccess/pc:Person/pc:AccountId, ";")'), "..")) - 1)"
I got Error:
"xdXDocument:GetDOM("LeadManagers")/dfs:myFields/dfs:dataFields/my:Matrix" does not point to a valid location path of a field or group."
actually, I do not understand completely Eval Function, for example I know it is for aggregation records of a repeating table to one text box filed but I do not know
1- why i have to use two eval function
2- what is usage ".." and when I have to change that.
very appreciate if you can also explain about eval function.