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  • Re: problem in using Eval Function

    Thanks Hilary According to the attachment I have used below string for concate Display Name, but it does not work, I have checked with other fields in Repeating Table, and it was working. maybe because person/group field is a repeating table in the main repeating table, but I do not know how to solve...
    Posted to General (Forum) by Masoud on 11-23-2022
  • Help with datetime validation

    I'm not sure if this is where to start but I'm having an issue with displaying a datetime in an infopath 2013 form. Little background: this is an infopath 2013 form that is saved to a network location for users to enter data. My main connection is a connection to SQL 2017. I have a smalldatetime...
    Posted to Newbie Questions (Forum) by firestratt on 03-08-2020
  • Repeating and Non-Repeating Sections and Fields from a SharePoint List

    Hi all, today I have decided to play with repeating sections. My goal is to create a form where a user can request multiple virtual machines to be built in VMWare. I would like to create a SharePoint List form with 3 sections. The first section is customer details such as name, department, cost centres...
    Posted to InfoPath 2010 (Forum) by ktitchard on 07-23-2019
  • SharePoint List - Predetermined Repeating Section Items

    Let's say I have a field in my form that takes input as a number. If I enter for example 3, it would then insert 3 lines in the repeating section. Is this possible?
    Posted to General (Forum) by tsail on 05-30-2017
  • Repeating Data Form/List Display in Dashboard Problem

    I think I am close to getting this to work, can someone look it over and tell me what I did wrong. When the form is initially opened, it will display the child info, just as if the + button was pressed. When the + is pressed, it will display the child headers. When the - button is then pressed,...
    Posted to General (Forum) by Majik on 11-03-2015
  • Repeating Data 02-28 CAML ootb Webinar

    I bought this webinar from Qdabra. I have tried to set this up several times with out success. I emailed Qdabra with no response. There is even an error in their instruction files, when compared to the video webinar, specifically the set CMD to 'Update' rule. That is not my problem however. Everything...
    Posted to General (Forum) by Majik on 09-09-2015
  • Drop down not working in additional rows of repeating table

    Hi, Is this normal or am I doing something wrong. InfoPath 2010, SharePoint 2013, browser enabled form. I have a secondary data connection that I am using as the source of values in a drop down list in one column of a repeating table. In the default row that all works fine. I can add multiple default...
    Posted to Newbie Questions (Forum) by GuyBoswell on 04-23-2015
  • Populate multiple rows into a repeating table from Secondary data query

    So I have a repeating table that I would like to be auto populated with the results of a query from a secondary data source that will have multiple results (AKA a repeating section I believe). Is there a way to do this? The reason I want to use the the repeating table is I want the user to be...
    Posted to General (Forum) by tplee on 10-21-2014
  • Re: Copy information from table in runtime vew of Infopath Form

    Hi Martin, Once your data is in a SharePoint list, there's an option called Export To Excel on the List ribbon at the top. If there are columns that you don't want to export, just create a custom list view that doesn't contain those columns and make sure that view is selected when you export...
    Posted to General (Forum) by JenniferLindsay on 08-03-2014
  • Help creating independent dropdown lists that repeat.

    I am working on creating an InfoPath form that pulls in data from Access for managers to review and sign off on essentially. I'm sending out a form of Risks and Risk Scores with data already populated from Access. In addition we'd like the managers reviewing this information to add comments if...
    Posted to General (Forum) by Bridget on 03-28-2014
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