Form not populating data in field - InfoPath Dev

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Form not populating data in field

Last post 05-10-2019 10:35 AM by Hilary Stoupa. 4 replies.
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  • 05-09-2019 08:19 AM

    Form not populating data in field


    I have an InfoPath form that is supposed to retrieve and populate user profile property data using a SharePoint Designer 2010 Workflow. There are four other fields in the form which are designed to do the same, and they are working as expected. I am not sure why I can't get this last field to work correctly.

    There is a field called COMPANY (a radio button) which sets the Mileage GL field to a number based upon the user's selection. When the form is submitted, the SPD workflow is supposed to fetch and populate the user's "Office" location from the user's profile and populate that data into the User Cost Center field. There is a secondary field which extracts just the numeric portion of the office location, called Actual Cost Center. I then have a final field, Mileage Booking which is supposed to be a concatenation of the Mileage GL and the Actual Cost Center. Since the Office location isn't populating, the mileage booking field only displays the mileage GL. I cannot for the life of me figure our why the Office data isn't coming in.

    What am I doing wrong? Can anyone please assist?

    Thank you! 

  • 05-09-2019 02:02 PM In reply to

    Re: Form not populating data in field

    Are the other fields that are working also looking for the Office attribute from the User's profile? Are you writing log info from your workflow to narrow down what's failing? I'd probably start with that - log the Office from the profile & make sure it has a value. Is Office a promoted form property? Or just a regular list column? If it is promoted, is it writable?
    Hilary Stoupa

  • 05-10-2019 07:44 AM In reply to

    Re: Form not populating data in field

    Hello Hilary! No, the other fields that are working are pulling in the user's Name, Department, Job Title, and one custom attribute - employee ID number. They ae all working fine.

    I did try to modify the workflow to log its findings and that was not working, BUT it was populating the data in the form as we want it to. So it's not TOTALLY failing.

    The field where we want the Office data recorded is a promoted property and it is showing up as a selection in the workflow designer. It is a writable column. 

  • 05-10-2019 09:13 AM In reply to

    Re: Form not populating data in field

    What do you mean that logging was not working? What were you logging? How is it failing to log? Do you mean no log entries are written? Sorry, just trying to understand why logging is not helpful. I guess I'd try setting the Office field to a property you know is working, like Department, so you can figure out if the issue is with the value from the user profile or something else.
    Hilary Stoupa

  • 05-10-2019 10:35 AM In reply to

    Re: Form not populating data in field

    Ok - we met and walked through this - it looks like there may have been some confusion on which workflow was running - that the logging was added to a copy of the workflow which was not the one that was actually being run. It also looked like maybe SharePoint was scared of me & just started behaving. :)
    Hilary Stoupa

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