InfoPath Data disappears after clicking the submit button! - InfoPath Dev

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InfoPath Data disappears after clicking the submit button!

Last post 03-15-2012 09:13 AM by WessamFawzy. 4 replies.
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  • 02-29-2012 08:03 AM

    InfoPath Data disappears after clicking the submit button!

    I have an InfoPath generated from a state machine workflow, the InfoPath is linked to a SharePoint list. The problem is: When I fill the fields of the InfoPath and click the Submit button (which submits the form and closes it), when I re-open the form I find all the data that I have just filled, disappeared. The data connection of the Submit button is of type: Submit data (not Retrieve and submit). The data connection of the Submit button submits the data to the hosting environment. I use SharePoint 2010 and InfoPath 2010 Any help is much appreciated.
  • 02-29-2012 10:10 AM In reply to

    Re: InfoPath Data disappears after clicking the submit button!

    Normally, if your submit fails for whatever reason, it won't run the next action. Do you have the close as a separate rule or a separate action? Is the order submit and then close (not close and submit)? If everything is correct, I recommend removing the close and see if there's an error. Check the saved data by opening in notepad and verifying the fields. If it creates the form on SharePoint as part of the submit, I can't imagine a scenario where only part of the data is submitted (unless you are clearing values before submit).

    Patrick Halstead
    Project Manager at Qdabra
  • 03-01-2012 12:06 AM In reply to

    Re: InfoPath Data disappears after clicking the submit button!

    Thanks Patrick for your fast reply. I think the submit succeeds, as it triggers the next State, and the workflow is completed successfully, also the InfoPath form fields data is written normally to the columns of the SharePoint list, ie: although I can see the data in the columns, I can't see it on re-opening the InfoPath form. Regarding the order of the submit and close: actually I tried both: separate actions and separate rules, and in both cases I first submit then close the form. I noticed something, when adding the close action I see this message: "Prompting the user to save the changes during the 'Close the form' action is not supported in Web browser forms", any idea why? My best guess is that there is a problem with the saving of the form, I don't know how to enable the saving. Or maybe I need to add a "Receive data" data connection, but also I don't know how to make the data appears in the exact fields of the InfoPath. Regarding "check the saved data by opening in notepad and verifying the fields" how can I open my submitted form in a notepad?
  • 03-01-2012 01:35 AM In reply to

    Re: InfoPath Data disappears after clicking the submit button!

    I may add that the ribbon or tool bar don't appear in my InfoPath form although in Info->From Options->Web Browser: I checked the "Show InfoPath commands in Ribbon or toolbar" and selected the "Show toolbars at the bottom and the top of the form", then selected "Submit", "Save", "Save as", "Close", "Views", "Print Preview"
  • 03-15-2012 09:13 AM In reply to

    Re: InfoPath Data disappears after clicking the submit button!

    For whoever may face the same issue, here is how I solved it: We'll get the data from the list: 1. In Workflow code: Create a TaskID for the task to be created; the one linked to our InfoPath form (as you can't get the auto-generated ID of a task that's is not created yet) 2. In Workflow code in CreateTask_MethodInvoking(): 2.1. Increment TaskID 2.2. Pass TaskID to the InfoPath form through an ItemMetadata.XML file 3. In the InfoPath form create 2 "Receive Data" data connections: 3.1. One for the ItemMetadata.XML which carries our TaskID (ows_TaskID="") 3.2. The other for our list and we'll select the fields that we want to show in the InfoPath form 4. In the InfoPath form: 4.1. Select the field that you want to show its data on reload (will name it field_X) 4.2. Right click->Properties->Default value 4.3. In the default value: "Insert field or group"->Select the list data connection->Choose field_X->Click "Filter Data..." 4.4. Select the list data connection once again->Select "TaskID"-> In the condition, select "equal to" 4.5. In the last parameter: "Select a field or group..."-> Select the ItemMetadata data connection->Select "ows_TaskID" 4.6. THAT'S IT! Press OK till close all the open windows Note: You may need to uncheck the "refresh value on change" property of the field
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