Auto-Calculate Fiscal Year based on (today) - InfoPath Dev Sign in | Join | Help in Browser Forms InfoPath (Entire Site) InfoPath Dev InfoPath Dev is dedicated to bringing you the information and tools you need to be successful in your Microsoft Office InfoPath development projects. Home Blogs Forums Photos Downloads InfoPath Dev » InfoPath » Browser Forms » Auto-Calculate Fiscal Year based on (today) Use our Google Custom Search for best site search results. Auto-Calculate Fiscal Year based on (today) Last post 05-08-2012 11:14 AM by Nancy Young. 3 replies. Page 1 of 1 (4 items) Sort Posts: Oldest to newest Newest to oldest Previous Next 05-27-2010 03:08 PM buck_murdock Joined on 01-26-2009 Posts 21 Auto-Calculate Fiscal Year based on (today) Reply Contact I'm creating a IP 2007 form to help track a list of hardware orders from our many departments. One of the fields we need is the Fiscal year in which the item was purchased. Can I have the Fiscal Year field in my form automatically calculate the fiscal year based on the date give in a field which has (Today) as the default value. Our Fiscal Year runs from 10/01 - 09/30. It seems like it wouldn't be too difficult, but i'm just not able to figure it out. Thanks in advance for your help! Filed under: (Today), Date, Fiscal Year, calculate 05-27-2010 07:01 PM In reply to jose cruz Joined on 02-10-2010 WA Posts 8 Re: Auto-Calculate Fiscal Year based on (today) Mark as Not AnswerMark as Answer... Reply Contact Hi Buck_Murdock, You may try creating a rule that sets a field's value. The following settings might work for you: Action: Set a field's value Value: concat(substring(xdDate:Today(), 1, 4), "-", "01", "-", "01") Hope it helps. Jose CruzSoftware Test and Support Engineer Filed under: rules, Substring, Set Value 05-27-2010 07:19 PM In reply to jose cruz Joined on 02-10-2010 WA Posts 8 Re: Auto-Calculate Fiscal Year based on (today) Mark as Not AnswerMark as Answer... Reply Contact I forgot to mention that you should also set the condition on when the rule will be executed. An example is a rule that would only execute when QuarterBegin date is blank AND The expression "04" > substring(xdDate:Today(), 6, 2) AND "01" <= substring(xdDate:Today(), 6, 2) Jose CruzSoftware Test and Support Engineer Filed under: Rule Condition 05-08-2012 11:14 AM In reply to Nancy Young Joined on 09-16-2010 Durango, CO Posts 34 Re: Auto-Calculate Fiscal Year based on (today) Mark as Not AnswerMark as Answer... Reply Contact I don't like to question gifts, but can you please break this down and explain why this piece of magic works? Thanks,nsy -Nancy Page 1 of 1 (4 items) Copyright © 2003-2019 Qdabra Software. All rights reserved.View our Terms of Use.
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I'm creating a IP 2007 form to help track a list of hardware orders from our many departments. One of the fields we need is the Fiscal year in which the item was purchased.
Can I have the Fiscal Year field in my form automatically calculate the fiscal year based on the date give in a field which has (Today) as the default value. Our Fiscal Year runs from 10/01 - 09/30. It seems like it wouldn't be too difficult, but i'm just not able to figure it out.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Hi Buck_Murdock,
You may try creating a rule that sets a field's value. The following settings might work for you:
Action: Set a field's value
Value: concat(substring(xdDate:Today(), 1, 4), "-", "01", "-", "01")
Hope it helps.
I forgot to mention that you should also set the condition on when the rule will be executed. An example is a rule that would only execute when QuarterBegin date is blank AND The expression "04" > substring(xdDate:Today(), 6, 2) AND "01" <= substring(xdDate:Today(), 6, 2)
I don't like to question gifts, but can you please break this down and explain why this piece of magic works?