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InfoPath Dev

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  • Help with datetime validation

    I'm not sure if this is where to start but I'm having an issue with displaying a datetime in an infopath 2013 form. Little background: this is an infopath 2013 form that is saved to a network location for users to enter data. My main connection is a connection to SQL 2017. I have a smalldatetime...
    Posted to Newbie Questions (Forum) by firestratt on 03-08-2020
  • Need Help w/filtering drop-down box options (date comparison)

    Scenario: 1. User puts in a start date, end date, and model# 2. External Data Connection is queried for existing reservations (model, start date, end date display in a repeating table) 3. Drop-Down Box displays all the ID's for the selected Model, not just the ID's available during that time...
    Posted to InfoPath 2010 (Forum) by Agent-311 on 09-07-2016
  • Formula for Next Day of the Week

    I'm sure there is a way to do this but I'm too new to figure it out. My Change Request form is filled out by the requestor, and I need the meeting date field to display the next meeting, which are always on Tuesday's at 1300. On the morning of the meeting, I have a cut-off time of 1100 so...
    Posted to Newbie Questions (Forum) by dblakester on 04-20-2016
  • Compare Days and Months Not Year

    Hi, I am working on a form where I need to automatically set a calendar period (like below) based on today's date. If today() greater than 16/02 and today() Less than 15/03, Set Period to 16th February to 15th March
    Posted to Newbie Questions (Forum) by emgre on 04-16-2016
  • Repeating table date sorting.

    Hi! i'm having a bit problem on doing ascending or descending sorting on my repeating table. i have a form where you add date, task, company etc and i would wanna sort them from newest to oldest. Is there a way to do it without coding? Another problem is that i'm trying to calculate "today's...
    Posted to Newbie Questions (Forum) by lartsa93 on 03-10-2016
  • InfoPath 2010 Date Picker rule to send email when date is reached

    Hi, I'm new to the forum. I posted this in the Newbie forum but no one replied. I had a quick search through the posts for an answer but wasn't able to find a solution to an issue I am having. I am working on an InfoPath form that will hold our software licensing information, this will include...
    Posted to Controls (Forum) by nimma85 on 01-13-2016
  • InfoPath 2010 Date Picker rule to send email when date is reached

    Hi, I'm new to the forum. I had a quick search through the posts for an answer but wasn't able to find a solution to an issue I am having. I am working on an InfoPath form that will hold our software licensing information, this will include software maintenance information and renewal of support...
    Posted to Newbie Questions (Forum) by nimma85 on 12-03-2015
  • Date format in date control field type

    When using InfoPath, the default DATE data type does not have a input recognition when entering only digits such as (41315) to (4/13/15). How to change the user input automatically of number/digits into a date format?
    Posted to Controls (Forum) by davydcondy on 09-14-2015
  • configuring that form "submit" only if it filing less then 7 days from the chosen date

    Hello I am using -InfoPath 2013 I created a form that contain a date Field that you must choose I need that the form I created couldn't "submit" if it filing less then 7 days from the chosen date please try to help me solve this issue thanks Roy
    Posted to General (Forum) by Roy2roy on 09-09-2015
  • InfoPath 2010 Formula for Julian Day (###)

    So I am searching for an InfoPath 2010 formula for Julian Day. That is to say the resulting value for January 1, 2015 would look something like this "001" I am new to InfoPath and would appreciate a formula that is Copy and Paste ready. I have created a TXT box named "Julian" in which...
    Posted to InfoPath 2010 (Forum) by MeekerGBT on 07-07-2015
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