InfoPath 2010 questions? Ask here. - InfoPath Dev

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InfoPath 2010 questions? Ask here.

Last post 06-18-2015 03:23 AM by prasanna.b. 92 replies.
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  • 10-31-2011 09:49 AM In reply to

    Re: InfoPath 2010 questions? Ask here.

    Hi Clayton,

    Help required - if possible!! 

    I've amended my Purchase Request form with some new features and have been using it in a 'test library' for a few weeks whilst testing with colleagues.

    Today, I've amended the data connections so I can update the curernt Infopath form on the 'live libary' with this new form and when I've published it, I've lost data on all of the current forms!!

    When you open a new one, it seems ok and I can see everything.  But, on existing forms that have been submitted and accepted, some fields are missing data, but some are ok!!

    What have i done wrong?

    The only thing I can see that I've done differenty is added a new column in the list....  other than that, it's the same form, it just looks slightly different!!

    Help, please!  :(




  • 10-31-2011 10:06 AM In reply to

    Re: InfoPath 2010 questions? Ask here.



    I forgot to add, the data that is 'missing' might be due to the fact that some of the fields on my new form now exist in a repeating table....  they didn't on the old form.

    I've just noticed this now....  but still unsure how to get the data to show on all of the current/approved forms.

    I've tested a new one and it works fine.


  • 10-31-2011 10:39 AM In reply to

    Re: InfoPath 2010 questions? Ask here.

    James, if you changed some fields in  your schema from non-repeating to repeating, then those are completely new data fields that are not the same as the old ones, so the data can't be expected to be there.  You initially said you just updated data connections, and that should have had no effect on existing data, but changing the schema of your XML like this will definitely cause data loss.  I would recommend reverting to the old template.  I cannot help much beyond this through the forums.
  • 11-01-2011 06:45 AM In reply to

    Re: InfoPath 2010 questions? Ask here.


    Once again, your advice is simply invaluable!  We checked the form and the only missing data was in a repeating field....  so, we re-applied the 'old' form template back to the library and all seems well again.

    We've simply created a new library, published the new form to it and put a workflow behind it...  we will simply use the old library as an archive instead!

    Thanks for your help, as ever!  :)

    Warm regards



  • 11-02-2011 03:32 AM In reply to

    • m_ert
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    generating processes list/form from main form

    This form that is named a traveller has the possiblity to fill in processes from 10, 20, 30,40 etc these are processes milling, drilling, deburr etc. When you fill in these processes i would like a list being created or a second form on wich these processes emerge. This list is then called manufacturing schedule. This allso could be a form or subform of the travellerform. Is this possible with infopath? and could somebody help me?
  • 11-04-2011 04:21 PM In reply to

    Re: InfoPath 2010 questions? Ask here.

    Hi Clayton, I've tried many methods here and nothing seems to be working. I have both dropdowns and text box controls. The final view is a read-only view and I have all the borders of the controls with no color. the form looks great in preview and as well as online, it's a Web Browser Form (InfoPath 2007).  Therer is a button control that e-mail's the form and that works great to.  So the business process is nailed down.

    Here is the problem: Mobile devices render the form just fine, which is surprising to me.  But in Outlook 2010 for the controls all the borders show up with the ligh gray coloring. I can't seem to get rid of them and I've tried everything that I know of.  Any suggestions or is this a "feature" of Outlook that is forcing a border color on the controls?

  • 11-07-2011 11:16 PM In reply to

    • Michal
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    Re: InfoPath 2010 questions? Ask here.

     warrtalo hi,

    I have 2 questions:

    1. is it possible to publish infopath 2010 to outlook 2007?

    2. I'm trying to publish Infopath 2010 to en email and also have on it submit button to SharePoint library, but I get a validation error "The Form template contains the following features that require publishing to a shared location" how can I make it work?


    Thanks in advance


  • 11-08-2011 02:34 PM In reply to

    Re: InfoPath 2010 questions? Ask here.

    Michal, you can - just make sure you go to the File->Form Options ->Compatability menu and choose your form type to be 2007.  This will help the compatability identify what features you have that are causing you problems.  This will probably take care of your second question around e-mail submittion.


  • 11-09-2011 04:31 AM In reply to

    • Michal
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    Re: InfoPath 2010 questions? Ask here.

     Phillip hi,

    thanks for your quick reply, I did the Compatibility to 2007 but still accounted a problem, eventually I gave the form "full Trust" and waiting for the IT team to issue certificate for forms template, I hope this will solve the problem of publishing a form to email with submit to SharePoint button 

  • 11-30-2011 06:17 AM In reply to

    Re: InfoPath 2010 questions? Ask here.


    Hi warrtalon,

    Do you have any idea about how to put a soft pageBreak?
    I saw some infomation about :using <?dbfo-need height="2in" ?>
     Or <?dbfo keep-together="auto" ?> to the view styleSheet.
    But both don't work for me.

    there is a small table in a big form, the table has to print out together, can not seperate in the different page.

    hope someone knows a way!

    thank you!

  • 12-09-2011 05:14 PM In reply to

    Re: InfoPath 2010 questions? Ask here.


    I just want to ask if there is a compatibility issue between Infopath 2010 and Infopath 2003. We are using inforpath forms 2003 with sharepoint services integration where the forms pull out data from sharepoint lists. We never had any problems opening the forms in infopath 2007. But now in 2010, it looks like the forms are not pulling the data from sharepoint anymore.



  • 12-19-2011 09:53 PM In reply to

    • Niyaz
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    Re: InfoPath 2010 questions? Ask here.


     How do I configure Browse button with out using the custom code(out ot the box), Is there any possibility we have?

    Many Thanks
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  • 01-06-2012 10:05 AM In reply to

    Re: InfoPath 2010 questions? Ask here.

    I have created an InfoPath form Library in SP 2010. I have created the initial entry form that Allows the user to select the form type.  I have four forms to choose from but am not sure how to display the new form once a user makes a selection from the main entry form.  Maybe this isn't the best solution for the requirements. Users also need to be able to print, thus the library in lieu of a list.


  • 01-09-2012 05:05 AM In reply to

    Re: InfoPath 2010 questions? Ask here.

    Hi, I've got the following scenario and problem on InfoPath 2010. I'm creating a form with multiple questions, each question with between 3 and 5 option radio buttons which are grouped for the question. Each button gets assigned a value when selected, and then that value is multiplied with a specific weighting for the question, and all results then added up in a field to display a total. The problem is that some of the options has the same value. If I then select one of the options with the same value, it just also select the other option with the same value. I know that it is not supposed to happen, as the rule is that only one radio button in a group can be selected, so I don't know how to solve this problem. Here is an example:

    Q. How many users are impacted:


    Small Number (e.g.0-50) - [Value when selected = 1]
    Medium Number (e.g.51-200) [Value when selected = 2] 
    Large Number (e.g.200+) [Value when selected = 3]
    Don't Know [Value when selected = 3]
    So what happens i,s if I select "Large Number", then it automatically also selects "Don't Know", or if I select "Don't Know" it also selects "Large Number". It is fine if I select any of the other options, then only that one radio button is selected.
    Can you please help.
  • 01-09-2012 05:32 AM In reply to

    • Michal
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    Re: InfoPath 2010 questions? Ask here.

    Hi feltdman,

    Can I ask why they both have the same value? why not change one of the values?


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