I am in a team in a large organisation that supports a number of InfoPath forms. We are having a strange problem with one form in particular since a few weeks ago.
We have narrowed it down to the fact that a recent Microsoft Office update that our IT group rolled out, specifically version/update 2402. Basically those PC's that don't have the update can open this form ok, but for those that have the update installed, InfoPath will open briefly, but then close out before the form opens.
I admit I'm not an InfoPath expert, but I do know that form references a number of VB scripts. As such, we have narrowed down the issue to one line of code (in a large file of other functions). Specially, it seems be when it does this - "set gobjXDocument = window.external.window.XDocument". The two lines that precede this are "window.returnValue = 1" and "set gobjXDocument = window.dialogArguments"
When the line of code I mentioned s commented out, the form opens, but when it's not, we experience what I mentioned above where InfoPath will open, but then close without opening the form.
Could anyone assist?
Thanks in advance