New Infopath form fields missing from SharePoint Workflow - InfoPath Dev

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New Infopath form fields missing from SharePoint Workflow

Last post 07-28-2023 12:41 PM by GrayHappy. 2 replies.
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  • 02-20-2023 10:16 AM

    New Infopath form fields missing from SharePoint Workflow

    I just added two new fields to an existing Infopath form and Published it to SharePoint. Then I tried to update the workflow where I tried to access the new fields that I created, but I could not find them in the lookup CurrentItem: The fields were the name of an Admin and the email address of the Admin, which is not used in the online form directly, but required for the workflow. I remember reading somewhere that I have to manually push all the fields to the SharePoint, as the Publishing only pushes fields that are used in the online version. Can someone help me with this. Thank you.
  • 02-20-2023 10:23 AM In reply to

    Re: New Infopath form fields missing from SharePoint Workflow

    Found the answer. I had to go to Home > Publish and follow the steps and then Add the missing fields before publishing it.
  • 07-28-2023 12:41 PM In reply to

    Re: New Infopath form fields missing from SharePoint Workflow

    Found the answer. I had to go to Home > Publish and follow the steps and then Add the missing fields before publishing it.
    Thanks for sharing this step by step solution. It is helpful.
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