Querying data using a data connection - InfoPath Dev

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Querying data using a data connection

Last post 07-14-2022 11:33 AM by Janine. 2 replies.
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  • 07-11-2022 08:51 AM

    Querying data using a data connection

    I'm trying to troubleshoot a control in an infopath from that seems it once query'd data from a data connection (to Oracle). It should work like this.... There is a PO# text box where someone can enter in a PO# and is should query a supplier name within another text box once that number is entered in. I can't seem to get it to query after "running these actions". 1.) Query data connection 2.) Set fields value to "supplier name" text box. This rule is setup within the PO# textbox. Does this sound right?
  • 07-13-2022 08:10 AM In reply to

    Re: Querying data using a data connection

    Well, I'd probably put the secondary data connection on the form somewhere - the query and the data fields. Then I'd add a button that just queries the data connection. That way you can test by manually putting a PO box in the query field and clicking the button to run the query. That may help you track down the issue.
    Hilary Stoupa

  • 07-14-2022 11:33 AM In reply to

    Re: Querying data using a data connection

    Thanks so much Hilary! That worked!
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