Users Creating New Documents - InfoPath Dev

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Users Creating New Documents

Last post 06-09-2022 02:03 PM by Schwill. 2 replies.
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  • 06-09-2022 12:13 PM

    Users Creating New Documents

    Hey All, I am brand new to infopath and I have been tasked with figuring out why sometimes a user can create a new infopath document without having infopath on their device and why those same users need infopath to create new documents. Specifically, all appropriate users are able to create/submit Document A without having infopath on their computer. Those same users are unable to creat/submit Document B without infopath. Does anyone have any advice/documentation they can point me to that might help? Let me know if I need to specify more, this is literally day 1 for me. Thanks!
    Filed under: ,
  • 06-09-2022 12:37 PM In reply to

    Re: Users Creating New Documents

     Hi! So my guess here is going to be that some forms are set up as browser enabled and some are not. So, some InfoPath forms, when opened from SharePoint (which is where I'm guessing you are using these), open up in a tab in the web browser. These forms don't require InfoPath installed locally. Other forms, for whatever reason, may not be browser enabled and as such open using the InfoPath application, which must be installed locally. Here is a link that may be helpful:

    Hilary Stoupa

  • 06-09-2022 02:03 PM In reply to

    Re: Users Creating New Documents

    Thank you! :)
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