FormsViewer time format - InfoPath Dev

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FormsViewer time format

Last post 02-05-2019 08:05 AM by Arthur.Avanesyan. 2 replies.
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  • 02-03-2019 04:52 AM

    FormsViewer time format

    Regardless of settings defined in InfoPath Designer for Time field, it always displays in AM/PM format in FormsViewer (i.e. 03:00:00 AM). Is there a way to change it to 24hr format without seconds (i.e. 15:00)? Can someone help me with this?
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  • 02-05-2019 12:52 AM In reply to

    Re: FormsViewer time format

     Hi Arthur,

    I'm not quite sure why FormsViewer is showing the time in that format. If you can attach your XSN with some repro steps we can have a look at it, but basically, FormsViewer doesn't really have support for time formatting just yet. We've found that most forms don't make use of time fields (far more forms have date fields, and FormsViewer has better support for date formatting).

    If you'd like to show the time in a particular format, I'd suggest creating a separate field to hold the time displayed in the textbox, and use rules to update the actual Time or DateTime field accordingly (using concat(), substring(), etc.).

    Please let us know if we can help with that. 

    Jimmy Rishe / Software Developer / Microsoft MVP
    Qdabra Software
  • 02-05-2019 08:05 AM In reply to

    Re: FormsViewer time format

     Hi Jimmy,


    I just created a very simple form with 2 fields and see the same problem there. You can find that form here

    As you can see one field is just Time and another field is Date and Time.

    For time field default value is 15:00 and although I've selected format, that shouldn't display seconds, it still displays 15:00:00 in FormsViewer.

    For date and time field default value is  15/09/2016 17:54:57 and I've chosen for time part not to display seconds again, but as you can see FormsViewer displays this as 15/09/2016 05:54:57 PM.

    Can you show me your suggestion in the example of this form?

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