Actually I should add InitialCatalog=FormsViewer in QFSConnectionString. After filling "Data Source=MYSQLSERVER\FORMSVIEWER;Initial Catalog=FormsViewer;Integrated Security=True" FormsViewer page opened.
But now there is another problem. When I click "Manage Templates", "Manage Href Associations" or "Quick Launch Dashboard", the following is displayed:
An error occurred while processing your request.
Must declare the scalar variable "@UserKey".
With SQL Server Profiler I can see, that it's running the following query:
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT t.*, ISNULL((SELECT TOP 1 Opens FROM MonthlyTemplateAccess mta WHERE mta.TemplateId = t.TemplateId AND mta.Month = @Month AND mta.Year = @Year),0) AS MonthlyOpens FROM Templates t WHERE t.UserKey = @UserKey AND (t.Location IS NULL OR t.Location = @Location)',N'@userKey nvarchar(255),@Location nvarchar(255),@Month int,@Year int',@userKey=N'9b56d644-d124-4754-aee3-d313cdd87a88',@Location=N'',@Month=2,@Year=2018
And here is the problem. You specify t.UserKey = @UserKey, but then instead declare @userKey instead of @UserKey. I'm sure this is a bug, please, fix this.