Can i make a data connection automatically refresh? - InfoPath Dev

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Can i make a data connection automatically refresh?

Last post 07-20-2012 08:03 AM by Anson Hidajat. 1 replies.
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  • 07-20-2012 02:52 AM

    Can i make a data connection automatically refresh?


    ive built two infopath forms which are in turn linked to a form library and a list in sharepoint (all 2010), both forms are displayed on one page and to the user it looks like a webpage, the first form gathers its information from the list and displays this information, the 2nd form also looks up information from the list and then present options for submission to the library.  When the submitted form hits the library a workflow fires off which updates the information in the list.

    on the 1st form which displays the infomration, there is a refresh button which when clicked refreshes the data source to the sharepoint list.

    what id like to do is remove that button and have the form auto refresh the data connection to the sharepoint list every 30 seconds or so.  Is this possible? and if so, is it advisable on that timescale or is it likely to cause me issues with traffic etc.


  • 07-20-2012 08:03 AM In reply to

    Re: Can i make a data connection automatically refresh?

    Hi there,

    This definitely isn't possible out of the box.  There may be a way to do this via code, but I wouldn't advise this.  If you're using a browser form, there is a max number of postbacks that the session will allow.  Doing a refresh every 30sec will exceed this limit pretty quickly.  I think the refresh button is the way to go.

    Anson Hidajat
    Qdabra® Software/
    The InfoPath Experts – Streamline data gathering to turn process into knowledge.™

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