Hello everyone,
I am currently trying to implement Matt Faus' Code to Repeat Table Headers across Page breaks (http://www.infopathdev.com/blogs/matt/archive/2005/11/29/Repeat-Table-Headers-Across-Multiple-Printed-Pages.aspx) but without using a secondary source. I want to generate my print view from the Data entered in another view.
The main problem is that I have no coding experience at all. My current guess is that I simply messed up the syntax or something equally trivial. I checked MSDN but didn't understand everything written there and I tried searching this Forum but without knowing too much about coding, I'm not quite sure what to search for.
Anyways, here is my code: http://pastebin.com/ggvaP9ds
I get an Error in Line 121 saying something along the lines of: missing object/target (it's in chinese so this is my translation.)
Another thing I've noticed is that since I have removed the secondary Data Connection, the template loads really slow.
Can anyone help this newbie out? Thanks!