Drop Down List - InfoPath Dev

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Drop Down List

Last post 11-16-2007 04:16 AM by adamrharding. 1 replies.
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  • 11-08-2007 08:57 AM

    Drop Down List

    I have a form that I use to collet billing information.  I have 3 drop down lists in the form that is filled using a secondary data source.  I created the data connection with the following information:

    1. https://MyServer/qdabrawebservice/databaseenumerationservice.asmx?WSDL

    2. GetColumnsForRows

    3. (ns1:database = PIMS) and ( ns1:table = Infov_Therapist)

    TheInfov_Therapist is a list of Therapist along with their UserID (Primary Key). The view sorts correctly when the columns are in the following order:

     SELECT     TOP (2147483647) UserName, UserName + ' ( ' + Title + ')' AS TherapistUserName, UserID, EmailAddress, Title, First + ' ' + Last AS FullName
    FROM         dbo.Users
    WHERE     (Title LIKE '%PT%') OR
                          (Title LIKE '%OT%') OR
                          (Title LIKE '%MT%')
    ORDER BY UserName

    The view sorts Incorrectly when the columns are in the following order:

    SELECT     TOP (2147483647) UserID, UserName, UserName + ' ( ' + Title + ')' AS TherapistUserName, EmailAddress, Title, First + ' ' + Last AS FullName
    FROM         dbo.Users
    WHERE     (Title LIKE '%PT%') OR
                          (Title LIKE '%OT%') OR
                          (Title LIKE '%MT%')
    ORDER BY UserName


  • 11-16-2007 04:16 AM In reply to


    I think this is becuase it sorts by the first record in the field list so put the username before the userID and that shoudl work fine if my understanding is correct.


    Adam Harding
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