configuring AD service - InfoPath Dev

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configuring AD service

Last post 12-14-2006 04:43 PM by Patrick Halstead. 6 replies.
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  • 07-27-2005 01:41 PM

    configuring AD service

    i followed your trouble shooting steps to configure but it doesn help me i get stuck at a point when i preview it .. when i click on preview it doesnt give me any user details .. could u help me with this and even when i followed your trouble shooting steps and i react upto a point where it say invoke .. but when i type user name it doesnt do nothing it just opens a new window and gives me this message..
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <ArrayOfADProp xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    here i use my user name to that domain is that is wat i am supposed to use .. i even tried administrator but i get the same message .. am i doing it the right way .. let me know ..

  • 07-27-2005 02:00 PM In reply to

    Hi Sunil,
    Thanks for posting here. What is the URL for the page that has the Invoke button on it? Is it localhost? If not, your server may not be configured to let you debug it remotely. The invoke command is a Web service debug service that is provided by ASP.NET. You will have to be on the server to debug that. However, if you can see the WSDL from your desktop, then you can assume it's good to go and continue to the verification step using the form.

    Patrick Halstead [InfoPath MVP]
    Patrick Halstead
    Project Manager at Qdabra
  • 07-27-2005 02:17 PM In reply to

    http://brvtestsrv1/ADService/ADUserinfo.asmx?op=GetUserInfo this is the url i guess its the right one and to the first question i asked u
  • 07-27-2005 05:10 PM In reply to

    Hi again,
    That's what I thought. Please either a) try to skip this verification and try to hook up the InfoPath form, or b) go to the server's machine (using the mstsc.exe terminal services console) and accessing fromhttp://localhost/... from that box (replace brvtestsrv1 with localhost). Good luck!

    Patrick Halstead [InfoPath MVP]
    Patrick Halstead
    Project Manager at Qdabra
  • 07-28-2005 07:58 AM In reply to

    i put in local host and tried to put my user name and even administartor.. i just wanna know whether i am doig it the right way .. i puthttp://localhost/ADService/ADUserinfo.asmx and it opens a new page then i click get my user info and when i type in my user login it gives me the same meesage as i said above .. should there be anything or should it just be a user name i mean any domain name\user name or just user name or administrator ..

  • 07-29-2005 01:14 AM In reply to

    Hi Sunil,
    Please send me e-mail and we can set up a Live Meeting support call tomorrow afternoon to assist you.

    Patrick Halstead [InfoPath MVP]
    Patrick Halstead
    Project Manager at Qdabra
  • 12-14-2006 04:43 PM In reply to

    We saw another person with this issue recently. If you experience this issue, please try to replace the LDAP string in the web.config file in the directory where ADService is installed to be something like the following:


    Note: please replace the "domain_name" in the above LDAP to the name of your domain, for example "qdabra" to get it to work.

    Good luck!
    Patrick Halstead
    Project Manager at Qdabra
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