active directory - InfoPath Dev

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active directory

Last post 10-12-2005 04:33 PM by Patrick Halstead. 3 replies.
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  • 07-27-2005 01:49 PM

    active directory

    hey i just have a question .. i have published a form in a share point web site .. and i want the form to be filled and send only the link not the entire form in the email is there a way to do it .. and i wanna create a drop down box and populate with the names from a active directory.. let me know the way to do these ..

  • 07-27-2005 01:58 PM In reply to

    Hi Sunil,

    In the future, please post to the Premium Downloads section:

    I'm not sure what you mean about "send only the link and not the entire form in e-mail". This sounds like an InfoPath question and not an AD Web Service question. If you are just taking about the e-mail adapter, then you can do this by inserting the link into the body of the message. You may need to write some code to do this but first check the design wizard - there may be a setting. It's a fairly common practice, though.

    The service returns the current logged in user. It also has functionality to check the user. It does not currently return a list of all users and that would be difficult since some organizations have thousands of users.

    Patrick Halstead [InfoPath MVP]
    Patrick Halstead
    Project Manager at Qdabra
  • 10-11-2005 01:04 PM In reply to

    ths first question:
    u need coding in jscript for obtain this functionality, like patrick say, maybe using the mailenvelope object.

    For the two question:
    You need do a webservice to query the active directory.
    using LDAP is good choice.
    Then in infopath query this webservice to obtain the users information.

    I hope this help you.

    Fred Darwin Villareal
  • 10-12-2005 04:33 PM In reply to

    Hi Fred and thanks for the post!
    We have an Active Directory Web service that we sell to do this. It's just $19.95 and is one of our most popular tools.

    Patrick Halstead [InfoPath MVP]
    Patrick Halstead
    Project Manager at Qdabra
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