Infopath Form Data - InfoPath Dev

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Infopath Form Data

Last post 09-11-2024 11:14 AM by Hilary Stoupa. 3 replies.
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  • 09-11-2024 09:10 AM

    Infopath Form Data

    I have the data from multiple Infopath Forms that has been separated from the xml template. The data is in the body of an email, it's not an attachment. Is there anyway to reassociate the data with the template so I can export the data? Thanks
  • 09-11-2024 10:13 AM In reply to

    Oh yikes. So the email has just the view data? But the XMLs have gone missing?
    Hilary Stoupa

  • 09-11-2024 10:47 AM In reply to

    Yes! And I've tried everything to export the data, but the data is actually contained in picture objects. I don't have a ton so I've been manually entering the data, but I thought there might be someone more knowledgeable than me who knew what to do.
  • 09-11-2024 11:14 AM In reply to

    Oh wow - especially if it is in pictures, that seems really painful. Sort of an oddball thought - do you suppose if you provide an LLM like ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, etc. with your picture and with a sample XML, it could create XML for you? That may save you a little time - depends on how much work it is to fill these out. :)
    Hilary Stoupa

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