Populate user name field from people picker field - InfoPath Dev

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Populate user name field from people picker field

Last post 05-02-2022 10:47 AM by Hilary Stoupa. 1 replies.
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  • 05-01-2022 04:39 PM

    Populate user name field from people picker field

    I have an Infopath 2013 form that has a people picker field that has SharePoint list setting = show field - work email. I need to capture the user name to another field when users select from people picker. The people picker field actually shows user name but saves the field to the SharePoint list as email address, which I also need.
  • 05-02-2022 10:47 AM In reply to

    Re: Populate user name field from people picker field

    You could add a field to the data source for the user name. In InfoPath, the default for that field could be the account Id from the people picker. I am guessing this is a list form - you will probably need to select "advanced view" for the data source in InfoPath to see the account id field inside the person / group field.
    Hilary Stoupa

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