attach a document from infopath form to a document library - InfoPath Dev

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attach a document from infopath form to a document library

Last post 02-18-2021 07:38 AM by Hilary Stoupa. 3 replies.
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  • 02-13-2021 09:12 PM

    attach a document from infopath form to a document library


    so basically i have a infopath form with few fields. what am looking for is the user needs to upload a document from (by pressing a button or a link) within the form to a document library.

    its like attaching a document but once he submit , the document should be placed into a document library.

    can i create a button or a link in the form to upload the document?

    thank you

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  • 02-17-2021 07:32 AM In reply to

    Re: attach a document from infopath form to a document library

    This can be done with code or with third party tools (qRules, FormsViewer) but not out of the box. Are you using SharePoint online or on-prem?
    Hilary Stoupa

  • 02-17-2021 08:28 AM In reply to

    Re: attach a document from infopath form to a document library


    am using SharePoint on-prem

  • 02-18-2021 07:38 AM In reply to

    Re: attach a document from infopath form to a document library

    So you could add custom code to your form for this (depending somewhat on your environment) or you could use a third-party tool like qRules (again, there are some environmental dependencies). If this is a browser form, it will either need to be admin approved or the user publishing it will need to be a site collection admin and the sandbox code service will need to be enabled. I believe qRules works in SharePoint 2016, but have had a couple of reports that it is no longer compatible with SharePoint 2019.
    Hilary Stoupa

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