Hi all -
I'm not sure if this belongs on a SharePoint form or InfoPath but....here I am. Hopefully this is ok.
We are using an InfoPath online form that submits to a SharePoint library. The submit button on the form is set to run actions: Query the SharePoint library, then set the file name to "concat("Item - ", 1000001 + max(ID)), submit to SharePoint library and then close form. Generally this is working fine. This week though someone notified us that the form they submitted was missing, and basically we figured out that another form had overwritten it, from a different user. When I look at the version history it shows User 1 and User 2 both Modifying the form at the same time 9:22AM. If you click on the form for User 1 in the version history it does show the info he originally had input, but User 2's turned into the newest version of the form. So I'm thinking that maybe they hit the submit button at the exact same time and SharePoint got confused and named them with the same number and this caused a merging of forms? This was NOT caused by User 2 going into User 1's form and changing all of the info. Has anyone seen anything like this before?
Sorry, I had to change the names since it's a work thing :D Joe Bob is a legit modification that is the last step so that part is fine.

Thank you!