Thanks for the reply Hilary, and I’ve done a bit more testing of things these past days.
There are some good things to report, some (really!) bad ones and a few ugly bits as well.
You are correct in that if you choose an appropriate 'Library' based Template from within a New Look View layout from the ‘Flow’ tab, then the site URL and Library name generally gets inherited correctly into the relevant fields. However if the 10 or so templates presented don’t hold a relevant option, and you need to select one of the wider set of choices, then you need to add the name of the Library directly into the List Name field, or (and I think this is slightly safer) to use the GUID reference for the Library. I struggled for a bit trying to remember how to find this out, however you can use the Flow options to advantage here.
If you use one of the general options available under the ‘create a Flow’ drop-down such as ‘Request manager approval for a selected item’, once that is opened up and editable, you can select the top element of that (which in this instance is called ‘Get Item’) and it identifies the List ID reference number for the Library, in the ‘List Name’ field. It’s then a simple copy and paste job with the ID number into the List Name field.
I’ve played about a bit with the options of whether a Library or List uses the New Look View style or if it is set to Classic, and so far, I’ve found that it doesn’t matter which style you have the Flow still runs! Now for some people that might be useful to employ as they perhaps are slowly moving to the New Look style, but the old is used as well. You can set up Flows to run either through the drop-down option in the List itself or directly through the Flow interface and then revert to Classic. Then so long as the Flow is a self-activated one (i.e. it activates when a field value changes, new document is added or item is changed etc) it will continue to run as needed regardless of the ‘front of house’ look presented to the Users – neat I think!
What is a real nasty however, is that I’ve been told by MS support engineers, that a Form Library which is an XML Form Library, CAN NOT ever be altered to display in the New Look View approach – it is limited to being Classic view only. I messed about with this extensively looking for the ‘List Experience’ option and checked in 3 different separate Office 365 instances, then finally in a Developer Office 365 site we have which has only ever been the New Look View and never Classic. Whatever I did/where ever I was, if I created a new XML library or looked into an existing one they ALL displayed in the Classic style regardless.
That means that it shouldn’t be possible to run Flows against Browser/InfoPath based forms in the Library – however it seems to be! I’ve only tested this in two Browser form Libraries so far, and with a couple of different Template flows but if you add either the List ID or the name of the list directly into the ‘List Name’ field, then make the Flow to be one where a field change or new item activates it, it seems to work.
So I hope you see why I regard this as a bit good, bad & ugly.
Disappointingly of course, the lack of New Look View in an XML Library means you can never run an ad-hoc Flow when you want to. However when I explained this limitation to the Microsoft engineer he suggested I get onto the User Voice site and see if others had mentioned these limitations and if there was a pressure group to try and ‘persuade’ MS to allow Flows directly against XML Form libraries. Personally I’m not that hopeful but one never knows.
Thanks for coming back to me though and I hope this helps other however please do test this for yourself (and anyone else who reads this I encourage to do the same) and any extra bits or aspects I’m wrong on / have a difference experience please come back to me. Regards Alan C.