DBXL 3.2 Installation Problem. Dreaded "error occurred configuring doctypes" - InfoPath Dev

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DBXL 3.2 Installation Problem. Dreaded "error occurred configuring doctypes"

Last post 08-07-2017 08:40 AM by Jim Cantwell. 1 replies.
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  • 08-07-2017 04:04 AM

    DBXL 3.2 Installation Problem. Dreaded "error occurred configuring doctypes"



    I have been trying to install DBXL 3.2 and have come across this error in every single server and scenario I have installed on.  I have read a thread on here about it being permissions but the account I am installing with has full sysadmin on all the SQL Servers it has been tried on.  I have tried it on SharePoint servers installing to the SharePoint IIS site, not the default.  I have tried installing on a clean server with just IIS running on port 80 and nothing works.


    There doesn't appear to be any more information on any threads that can shed any light on this issue.  It's a shame really as I was hoping this software would live up to expectation, unfortunately I can't install so unlikely to see what it's potential is.


    Has anyone else suffered from this and did anyone find the problem?

     All the servers are Windows 2008 R2 and SQL Servers are SQL 2008 R2 Standard.


    Thanks - Jon 

  • 08-07-2017 08:40 AM In reply to

    Re: DBXL 3.2 Installation Problem. Dreaded "error occurred configuring doctypes"

    DBXL v3.2 must be installed on a non-SharePoint site. This error would normally be a result of authentication failing. If installed on SharePoint site, that would definitely be an issue. If installing on a clean server with just IIS, you are possibly missing some feature dependencies. The DBXL installation guide has a list of features to enable. http://www.infopathdev.com/files/folders/104419/download.aspx * Make sure Windows authenticatication is enabled on the root site * Disable anonymous authentication on the root site * Place a test file (e.g. test.txt or default.htm) in the root and make sure you can open the file in the browser. If you get multiple prompts, you may be using a hosts file and need to read https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/896861/you-receive-error-401-1-when-you-browse-a-web-site-that-uses-integrate There will be a Qdabra eventlog created during setup that may contain additional information.
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