How to ensure from will be submitted only once ? - InfoPath Dev

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How to ensure from will be submitted only once ?

Last post 08-07-2018 10:40 AM by Laurie Wheeler. 2 replies.
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  • 10-19-2016 01:11 AM

    How to ensure from will be submitted only once ?

    Hey I create offline mode List Form Template I want to user only submit form only once.When user comes to online form will be submitted only once. Currently when user modify this old form then user can submit this form as new form i don't want to do this. Is any solution ?
  • 10-21-2016 08:22 AM In reply to

    Re: How to ensure from will be submitted only once ?

     I may not be answering your question correctly, because I'm not sure what an offline mode list form template is. But if the form submits to a SharePoint Library, in the submit data connection, set the file to not overwrite.

    Hilary Stoupa

  • 08-07-2018 10:40 AM In reply to

    Re: How to ensure from will be submitted only once ?

    I have a similar scenario... maybe this is purely a post-back or network issue.  My form is browser enabled.  The submit to SharePoint needs to 'overwrite' if exists because many users will open the form and save it using a button, instead of the ribbon.  I ran across an issue where, I'm validating who has the form open.. so when  new file is created, one of the first rules submits it to SharePoint and populates a field in the list.  Sometimes when I open the new form, It submits twice and each file has a new name, because my form names are using 'now()' to ensure that no two users get the same form name. This same form has qRules 7.2 injected, so, when the form gets submitted, it also creates a folder in another library for the duplicate submission. 

    I have a field called 'isPosted'. I'm trying to figure out how I can incorporate additional logic as to prevent the second form submission. So, if this data connection set isPosted = true then after the form has been submitted, how do I prevent it from submitting a second time?  

    Another question I do have.  --- if in the FormLoad rules a rule is flagged "don't run remaining rules if this condition of this rule is met"... does that mean... NO Rules anywhere on the form will function, or just FormOnload rules?

    Here are my FormLoad Rules as they exist now. 


    Laurie Wheeler
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