Thanks for the quick reply! I've actually got "some" of this accomplished in other parts of the form. The users wanted a drop-down list when picking company representatives (because they were always the same, and it's easier to pick from a drop down than to actually use the people picker...or so they say =/ ). So I have them filling in the first and last name and add it to a "Rep" list. I will just add a "Person" column to the list.
So, another question. For the dropdown, would I will use the AccountId as the dropdown Value, or the ID?
- If I use the AccountID and they pick a name, I could just use the concatenate with the AccountID like I already do.
- But if it is a new name, I want to use SubmitToSharePointList to submit the name to the list, re-retrieve the list, and then display with the newly added name as the current name. But since I don't have the Value set to the ID, how would I do it?
So, better to use the ID for the value, and then everytime they pick one, get the name AccountId from the record with that ID and concatenate?
Or, maybe there's a better way???
By the way...for the short time that I've been using Qdabra, everytime I hit a snag I seem to find some video or blog that you have done that answers it! You are the QUEEN! =)