Room reservation form - InfoPath Dev

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Room reservation form

Last post 09-15-2014 08:10 AM by luiscarvalho. 0 replies.
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  • 09-15-2014 08:10 AM

    Room reservation form

    Hi everyone, I am currently developing a resource room reservation form (please see attached mockup file), and this form will be published to a SharePoint library. There are a couple of requirements for this form:

    1) Each Computer room OR LRE room OR Archives room OR Forensic room will have a different approver.
    2) The requester will need to reserve more than one room per category, thus fields will be repeating.

    I thought about using an workflow to email the room approvers. The problem with this, (as you all know) is that since there is a limitation with Infopath in that it will only publish the first row of data to associated promoted SharePoint column and therefore the associated workflow will only act on the first row of values, not the second or third that might have been inserted by the requester.

    In order to bypass this limitation, I though about mapping these values to a SharePoint list (either through a SharePoint 2013 worflow loop OR code injected on the xsn file assuming the CAML technique does not work) and then use a workflow in that list to send emails to the applicable room owner. However I am still left with one problem: How to insert the link to the Infopath form, (which is published in the SharePoint library), inside the email message sent by the workflow which runs on the SharePoint list. does this sound feasible?

    Many thanks and kind regards, Luis Carvalho

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