data from multiple rows in repeating tables from several groups into a single field separated by a comma - InfoPath Dev

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data from multiple rows in repeating tables from several groups into a single field separated by a comma

Last post 06-05-2014 07:58 AM by cveitch. 6 replies.
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  • 05-30-2014 05:16 AM

    data from multiple rows in repeating tables from several groups into a single field separated by a comma

     Hello All

    I hope I can explain myself properly. I want to take all of the data from multiple rows in repeating tables, (there are 6 groups of repeating tables) and insert all of them into a separate single field separated by commas so that I can pass this data through to a field in a Sharepoint list. I’ve see your solution here and hope you can help.


    My repeating groups are:












     03.01.01   Etc.


    The result I would like is:

    01.01.00, 01.01.01, 02.01.00, 02.01.01, 03.01.00, 03.01.01,

    Thank you in advance

  • 06-04-2014 10:29 AM In reply to

    Re: data from multiple rows in repeating tables from several groups into a single field separated by a comma


    I need to update my requirements. I've found a work around however I now have a problem with whitespace.

    I need the string to be without whitespace. I have a concatenated list of values which publish to a multipletext field in sharepoint. There are too many characters for a single line of text field. My problem now is that there are returns and whitespace between the values. The result I need is this:


    Assistance is appreciated, thank you. 

  • 06-04-2014 11:16 AM In reply to

    Re: data from multiple rows in repeating tables from several groups into a single field separated by a comma

    Hi - so are you using an eval formula like that in the link of your initial post? What does the eval formula look like?

    Hilary Stoupa

  • 06-05-2014 02:09 AM In reply to

    Re: data from multiple rows in repeating tables from several groups into a single field separated by a comma

    Hi Hilary,

    Thank you for your reply. I am a newbie and struggle with the vernacular.

    ve created a text field with a simple concat(group1, group2, etc) on publishing the form it created a column in sharepoint which contains the selected items from the groups. We want to use the xml file to populate points on a map. The solution will require the string without whitespace or line breaks between an opening and ending tag in the xml file. My problem is this method adds multiple line breaks and whitespace between the concat items in the xml file.

    I appreciate any assistance.

  • 06-05-2014 02:22 AM In reply to

    Re: data from multiple rows in repeating tables from several groups into a single field separated by a comma

    Hi Hilary,


    Thank you for your reply. I am a newbie and struggle with the vernacular.


    I didn't use eval in the end. The 6 groups of repeating tables that are populated by a column in sharepoint. I have added a comma to the end of the name in the field in sharepoint (rather than adding the comma in concat in InfoPath).


    In InfoPath I've created a text field with a simple concat(group1, group2, etc) and on publishing the form it created a column in SharePoint which contains the selected items from the groups. Ultimately we want to use the xml file to populate points on a map. The solution will require the string without whitespace or line breaks between one opening and ending tag in the xml file. My problem is this method adds multiple line breaks and whitespace between the concat items in the xml file.


    I appreciate any assistance.


  • 06-05-2014 02:50 AM In reply to

    • Skarn
    • Top 50 Contributor
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    Re: data from multiple rows in repeating tables from several groups into a single field separated by a comma

    If the columns are in SharePoint list already can you combine the fields using a calculated column in the SharePoint list? Otherwise, see if the normalize-space function helps (you use it in your concat formula to clear spaces from the arguments.)
  • 06-05-2014 07:58 AM In reply to

    Re: data from multiple rows in repeating tables from several groups into a single field separated by a comma

     Hi Skarn, thank you for your reply. 

    I haven't explained myself properly, the repeating tables look at the list in sharepoint and the user selects one or more items from each repeating table in the six groups in infopath. The list in sharepoint are separate list items. These selections populate a field in InfoPath called 'concat'. 

    Basically we need one field in the xml form generated by InfoPath to create points on our map (used in a separate application).   

    Your idea to use the space function sounds like the answer but I'm not certain how to write the statement to get my result to the xml file. I'd hoped to use something like: eval(eval(somethingGroup, 'concat(my:Value,my:Value, my:Value,my:Value,my:Value,my:Value,(",", something(my:Value)))'), "..") something to remove linebreaks etc. - but don't know the proper syntax to use. I think it needs a \n somewhere!


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