Codeless submitting InfoPath repeating table to a SharePoint list - InfoPath Dev

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Codeless submitting InfoPath repeating table to a SharePoint list

Last post 07-16-2017 05:36 PM by Ligia1982. 103 replies.
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  • 12-04-2014 08:54 AM In reply to

    Re: Codeless submitting InfoPath repeating table to a SharePoint list

    You may need to modify the library settings so it will open in the browser. I'm not sure why the form is set to full trust - you may want to try changing that to Domain trust.

    Hilary Stoupa

  • 12-04-2014 09:14 AM In reply to

    Re: Codeless submitting InfoPath repeating table to a SharePoint list

    Hilary Stoupa:

    You may need to modify the library settings so it will open in the browser. I'm not sure why the form is set to full trust - you may want to try changing that to Domain trust.

    I had forgotten to click the option for web based when publishing so with that fixed it is now launching web based. Problem now is it cannot connect to my data sources, it can from infopath but not from browser. Would full trust fix this and if so how do I admin approve the form?
  • 12-04-2014 09:20 AM In reply to

    Re: Codeless submitting InfoPath repeating table to a SharePoint list

    Are your data sources on the same site as the form is published to? Here is a YouTube link to a demo for admin approving a form template:

    Hilary Stoupa

  • 12-04-2014 09:48 AM In reply to

    Re: Codeless submitting InfoPath repeating table to a SharePoint list

    Data sources are all on the same location. Looking in data connections I have 4 in total, 3 are in same site and the 4th is the 'Approved Items' which doesn't show a location. The SP is under a HTTPS site, would that make a difference? I can't admin approve the file as I don't have access to the central admin site. I have admin access under the site collection but that's all.
  • 12-04-2014 01:34 PM In reply to

    Re: Codeless submitting InfoPath repeating table to a SharePoint list

    Bless you Hillary!  The -1#; worked!  I thought that I had to some how figure out the ID number of the user.  I really appreciate the response!  You are the best!

  • 12-24-2014 11:18 AM In reply to

    Re: Codeless submitting InfoPath repeating table to a SharePoint list

    Happy Holidays!  I'm hoping someone is still around to help with my latest little issue keeping me up at night :-) 

    This option of submitting with the SubmitTrigger, XML and dataconnection to create new SharePoint list items  is working great for me.  Now I'm taking the next step of having a user request changes on the orginal form that can then "update" the existing SharePoint list items that were created using this method.  

    The process is; When the user saves potential changes, someone is notified via workflow that changes have been submitted.  The admin can then approve the changes by clicking a button that will follow the same steps i used to create the list items, but the XML File uses the " Cmd="Update" instead of "New" for this process to update the existing list items instead of create new.  

    The issue that I'm having is that the ID won't change for each line in the repeating if I have 3 items that need to be updated, it updates the Item with ID=225 3 times (with information from each row in the repeating table), instead of updating ID=225 with it's data, 226 with it's data and 227 with it's data.  The XML for every other field is set to the value expected from the current line in the repeating table except for ID. 

     The rule looks like this when the "SubmitChanges" field changes (the button sets it to "1" - I couldn't upload an image):

    Set a field's value: Field[@Name = "ID"] = ID

    Set a field's value: Field[@Name = "ProjectName"] = ProjectName

    Set a field's value: Field[@Name = "ProjectManager"] = concat("-1;#", AccountId)

    Submit using a data connection: UpdateDataConnection

     The next rule updates the "SubmitChanges" field to +1.

    The XML in Fiddler shows me that the ID stays the same for each row...the rest of the fields change to the correct values for their corresponding rows.  So my question is "How do I get the ID Field to change for each update so that the correct list item is updated, instead of the same one getting overwritten 3 times?" 

    I've tried a filter where ServerName of the datasource that displays the ListItemID = ServerName of Current row, but that did nothing. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!!

  • 01-02-2015 08:01 AM In reply to

    Re: Codeless submitting InfoPath repeating table to a SharePoint list

    Any chance I can see your form? You can attach it under the Options tab.

    Hilary Stoupa

  • 01-28-2015 07:13 AM In reply to

    • sheen
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    Re: Codeless submitting InfoPath repeating table to a SharePoint list

    hi everyone, I'm trying to implement the solution to populate a sharepoint list from a repeating table. I have followed the codeless solution described on the first page of this discussion thread. So far so good, until the last step, where I need to replace the data connection with the address where the list is. This does not work for me. Can you please check my url: Thank you for your help!!
  • 02-02-2015 12:53 AM In reply to

    • sheen
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    Re: Codeless submitting InfoPath repeating table to a SharePoint list

    Hi there, This solution does not work for me. Can you plz help? thx!!
  • 03-16-2015 06:03 AM In reply to

    Re: Codeless submitting InfoPath repeating table to a SharePoint list

    Hi How can I publish the form and use it in browser I have published it I get error The form cannot be submitted because of an error. windows 5567
  • 03-19-2015 12:12 PM In reply to

    • DTshin
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    Re: Codeless submitting InfoPath repeating table to a SharePoint list

     Hi your web service URL should be from your web (SharePoint site), it should not include the list path. so for you, it should be:

  • 05-06-2015 04:46 AM In reply to

    Re: Codeless submitting InfoPath repeating table to a SharePoint list


    I am new to this forum and after landing here really encourages me. I have a similar requirement to send the data from an InfoPath 2013 web based form to a SharePoint 2013 custom list. I have downloaded the sample form from the discussions and have actually updated the data connections accordingly.

    The form works fine on InfoPath 2013 filler but from a web browser it is giving an error of cannot connect to the web service. My form is published as a content type so it is not an administrator approved form.

    I hope that this thread is still alive and any for help is really appreciated.

    Thank you


  • 05-15-2015 02:37 AM In reply to

    • alexis
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    Re: Codeless submitting InfoPath repeating table to a SharePoint list

    Hi, I've implemented the solution in one of my forms. What road should I take to extend the capability to edit/delete from the infopath form the list items. Thank you very much amieqq and Hilary. Life savers :)
  • 05-18-2015 08:57 AM In reply to

    Re: Codeless submitting InfoPath repeating table to a SharePoint list

    To update or delete, you'll need to include <Field name="ID">2</Field> (with the SharePoint List Item ID for the field value in place of the "2") and change the Cmd to "Delete" or "Update".

    Hilary Stoupa

  • 05-19-2015 07:03 AM In reply to

    • alexis
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    Re: Codeless submitting InfoPath repeating table to a SharePoint list

    So create another button and another xml file with the command update. Create a receive id connection from the sharepoint list and use it to get the id i want to update. Thanks.
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