Hi all
I don't have a lot of time to search the forum tonight, so pardon me if this a common question.
My IP 2010 Filler form has a repeating table, and each row in the repeating table contains a set of radiobuttons marked Yes and No. I set the radiobutton control to No by default, but need to validate that at least one occurrence gets set to Yes. Let's call the Repeating Table gpSGpNames and the radiobuttion optYesNo. Right now, they are both in the same section, but I can move them out if need be, because my section didn't give me what I need. (see next paragraph).
I know I can only use All Occurrences of, Any Occurrences of, etc. on a section, and sections don't give me the option to create Validation rules. I'd like to avoid writing custom code if possible. Does anyone know of a way I can do this?
Thanks for any reply,
An imprecisely defined requirement has an infinite number of possible solutions. Unfortunately, only about a maxiumum of 3 solutions are actually satisfactory to the end user.