Messagebox displayed when user closes form (clicks on [X]). - InfoPath Dev

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Messagebox displayed when user closes form (clicks on [X]).

Last post 09-24-2012 03:57 PM by Flippa. 3 replies.
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  • 01-13-2012 07:44 AM

    Messagebox displayed when user closes form (clicks on [X]).

    I have a custom submit button on my form that I want users to click when they want to submit. If a user opens up a form and inputs data then closes the form by pressing [X] a messagebox is displayed asking them if they want to submit. I am having issues locating that option and how to manipulate it. On a side note I have another form that when they click on the [X] it asks them if they want to save the form. Thanks in advance.

  • 01-13-2012 09:20 AM In reply to

    Re: Messagebox displayed when user closes form (clicks on [X]).

    You can remove the Close button from the ribbon by going to File --> Form Options --> Web Browser --> Uncheck Close.

    The other form that prompts you to save is probably a document library form.

    Anson Hidajat
    Qdabra® Software/
    The InfoPath Experts – Streamline data gathering to turn process into knowledge.™

  • 01-13-2012 09:44 AM In reply to

    Re: Messagebox displayed when user closes form (clicks on [X]).

    I think Anson's suggestion is for browser forms - I'm not sure if your question is about browser forms, however.

    I think for a Filler form, this will have to do with the save and submit options. If your form allows submit but not save, I think the first behavior you've described would be in effect. If it does not have a submit connection, but allows save, the second behavior would take effect. These options are under the Form Options as Anson describes - but under Open and Save for filler forms.

    Hilary Stoupa

  • 09-24-2012 03:57 PM In reply to

    • Flippa
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    • Joined on 09-02-2012
    • Posts 3

    Re: Messagebox displayed when user closes form (clicks on [X]).

    Hi Hilary,

    I have created an InfoPath form that is connected to an access database that when I click on the ribon close button (this is a form filler form not a browser form) used to bring up the save as message box.

    I went into the form options and deselected the save and save as option (as suggested by you on another thread).

    Now it has replace the save as message box with a message box prompting to submit.

    Is there a way to disable this message box?

    I have a custom submit button on my form and I have disabled the submit button on the ribon.

    I want to alow the user to submit the form using only the custom button and not get prompted to submit on closing the form as I have used a number of rules to not alow the form to be submitted unless is is filled out correctly.

    If the user were to click on the yes option on closing, the form would be submitted regardless of if it was filled out correctly.



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