Hi all,
On my WSS site I have a Purchase Requisition form that users can open, fill out and then submit. The system itself is working fine, with forms being submitted and approved all the time.
However, someone advised me a few weeks ago that you can only have 15 items running in a library and against a workflow at any given time... if anymore items are submitted, then they will not run as the workflow cannot cope with anymore than 15.
Can someone clarify this for me?
The problem is, I have designed my form to do the following:
1. Send an e-mail to the form creator (advising that their form has been submitted) AND also to the approver asking them to either approve or reject it.
2. A pause workflow is initiated and runs until a reminder email is sent out to the approver (in case they are not at their PC at the time and miss the initial email). The pause is 24 hours long. The reminder email is not sent if the item is approved/rejected, however it only checks for this at the end of the pause. After 24 hours, if the item is still waiting for approval, a reminder is sent then the pause workflow stops. The only other workflow running is the approvl one, which checks the approval status.
As you can imagine, if a number of forms are raised (lets say 10) in one day, some might not be approved straight away.... so they're sitting 'in progress' until the approver does what he/she needs to do. The next day, a further 10 might be raised, so we now have 20 items that are in progress. Granted, some may have been approved and actioned on the same day, so that number will reduce... but if people are not in, or are busy then the numbers of items waiting for action might start and increase.
My question is:
Is it 15 concurrent workflows that are allowed at any given time, or 15 active workflows?
I've tried to think of a method of getting my 'pause' workflow to end as soon as the item has been approved/rejected, but I can't think of a way to do this. The pause workflow is a seperate workflow to my approval one and in SPD 2007 you can't link them - at least I don't think you can??
By the way, I'm using WSS V3.0 with IP2010 and Sharepoint Designer 2007.
Many thanks!