sorting a dropdown list - InfoPath Dev Sign in | Join | Help in InfoPath 2010 InfoPath (Entire Site) InfoPath Dev InfoPath Dev is dedicated to bringing you the information and tools you need to be successful in your Microsoft Office InfoPath development projects. Home Blogs Forums Photos Downloads InfoPath Dev » InfoPath » InfoPath 2010 » sorting a dropdown list Use our Google Custom Search for best site search results. sorting a dropdown list Last post 11-11-2010 03:58 PM by Potemkine. 1 replies. Page 1 of 1 (2 items) Sort Posts: Oldest to newest Newest to oldest Previous Next 11-11-2010 01:47 PM lmp8874 Joined on 06-02-2009 Greensboro, NC Posts 2 sorting a dropdown list Reply Contact I am not a developer, but was hoping someone could shed some light on what is going on. We have an InfoPath 2007 form in SharePoint 2007 that has some code written behind it to sort the dropdown list. We are in the process of testing / moving to SharePoint 2010 and InfoPath Designer 2010. I have successfully moved the form to our SharePoint 2010 farm. The only thing that is not working properly is the sort on the dropdown list. The data source is a SharePoint list / XML file. I have not changed anything on the form and have not actually upgraded the form to InfoPath2010. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Filed under: Infopath 2010 migration 11-11-2010 03:58 PM In reply to Potemkine Joined on 06-21-2010 Posts 451 Re: sorting a dropdown list Mark as Not AnswerMark as Answer... Reply Contact Hi can you give more information about the code you use to sort your list.A little suggestion, if you sort your sharepoint view on the way you want to display them on your drop dow. Is that making it work ? Page 1 of 1 (2 items) Copyright © 2003-2019 Qdabra Software. All rights reserved.View our Terms of Use.
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I am not a developer, but was hoping someone could shed some light on what is going on. We have an InfoPath 2007 form in SharePoint 2007 that has some code written behind it to sort the dropdown list. We are in the process of testing / moving to SharePoint 2010 and InfoPath Designer 2010. I have successfully moved the form to our SharePoint 2010 farm. The only thing that is not working properly is the sort on the dropdown list. The data source is a SharePoint list / XML file. I have not changed anything on the form and have not actually upgraded the form to InfoPath2010. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Hi can you give more information about the code you use to sort your list.
A little suggestion, if you sort your sharepoint view on the way you want to display them on your drop dow.
Is that making it work ?