Hi all, i'am having a little issue and a i didn't find an answer to this during my investigation. I have web-browser form with a repeating table with attachment fields... what i want to do is if a row has their request answered (based on a field controled in the row) i want to make the attachment field read only. The Attachment Field is a repeating field so i really need sections to hide that fields. I tried to put a section in data source outside the repeating table but inside the form design i put that section inside the repeating table... and that is a problem because when i write a row to the repeating table via code with a button... the field disappear or every time i had a row he adds a new section of the attachment in each row.
I'am adding a row to the repeating table with the following code:
using (XmlWriter writer = MainDataSource.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:ParecerExterno/my:TblPedIntsSec", NamespaceManager).AppendChild())
writer.WriteStartElement("TblPedInts", myNamespace);
writer.WriteElementString("dtPedInt", myNamespace, DateTime.Now.ToString("O"));
writer.WriteElementString("DesPedInt", myNamespace, "");
writer.WriteElementString("DestPedInt", myNamespace, nomePedido);
writer.WriteElementString("DocPedInt", myNamespace, "");
writer.WriteElementString("ControlPedInt", myNamespace, "0");
writer.WriteElementString("dtEntradaPedInt", myNamespace, String.Empty);
writer.WriteElementString("ParInterno", myNamespace, "");
writer.WriteElementString("RespostaPedInt", myNamespace, "");
//writer.WriteNode("CountPedInt", true);
I think that a way to do this is to have a section inside the repeating table group and then write that group with xml writer... maybe instead of writer.WriteElementString there is any function to write a group... i don't know...
Can anyone help me with this please?... sorry for my bad english