DBXL Error I0033: Access Denied - InfoPath Dev

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DBXL Error I0033: Access Denied

Last post 04-02-2010 06:09 AM by ErnestoM. 2 replies.
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  • 04-01-2010 02:49 PM

    DBXL Error I0033: Access Denied

    We have an IPFS form with code behind a button to submit the form data to DBXL.   This has been working for most users but one user is receiving the following error when clicking the button: "The following error occurred submitting the document: I0033: Access denied".

    Based on information in another post, I gave NETWORK SERVICE db_datawriter access to the QDabraDBXL database and still get the error.


  • 04-01-2010 03:01 PM In reply to

    Re: DBXL Error I0033: Access Denied


    Can you look in the Qdabra event log on that server and see if an error or warning can be found that correlates to the user trying to sbumit?  If you can't find it easily perhaps you can ask them to submit again while you have the event log open so you can see if it pops up then.

    This should help us figure out the issue.  Odd though that one user has this issue while others do not!


  • 04-02-2010 06:09 AM In reply to

    Re: DBXL Error I0033: Access Denied

    This could be related to the permissions for the user accessing DAT (DBXL). Usually that error code occurs when a user tries to perform an action in DBXL for which they have not been granted permissions. Does the error I0033 show any other details? Perhaps in the Event Viewer for Qdabra? (like Ted asked)

    Our first step should be to look at the groups that are granted permission. Here’s how to do this:
    1.    In the Qdabrawebservice folder where DBXL was installed, find the web.config file.
    2.    Open the file (in a text editor, like Notepad) and look for the following: ReaderGroupAlias, WriterGroupAlias, AdminGroupAlias and DbxlAdminAlias.
    3.    Each of these Keys will be assigned a value (that is, a group). Make a note of these group names.
    4.    Then, on the machine where DBXL was installed, look at these groups to see who is a member of which groups. If you’ll be managing DBXL then you’ll need to make sure to be a member of AdminGroupAlias and DbxlAdminAlias

    Let us know if you need any assistance in troubleshooting this.

    Ernesto Machado
    Qdabra® Software/ InfoPathDev.com
    The InfoPath Experts – Streamline data gathering to turn process into knowledge.™

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