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So I had this working then I messed with it. I am following the attached example i got from and it does work, however because I...
Hello, I have a form that has 7 questions, with Yes/No responses (radio buttons) available for each question. If questions number 3 & 7 get a "Yes" response, I have set up a rule to send an email notification. However, I also want the form to send an email notification if there are 3 or...
Hello, I am trying to pre check more than one check box based on another field. I am almost there. I can prepopulate a single check box but can't figure out the action rule logic to check 2 or more check boxes. My environment is InfoPath 2010. My check box field uses a SharePoint list data source...
I have a form that works well. I enter information and hit the save button and it is submitted to an existing SP list. I want to add a submit button that will send whatever information has been added to the form without saving or submitting the form. The form was created to track quotes for jobs and...
There is no single formula to translate all of these different formats. What you want is a separate action rule for each phone number format. Each rule will have a condition checking if the phone number is format X, and if it is then you will have a translate function to translate the phone number into...
Trying to figure out if it's possible to dynamically reference a field name with a control result via formula. I currently have 5 radio buttons that return integers 1-5. Next to each radio button is a text box with a text value. If the user clicks a radio button, it should pass the corresponding...
Hi I have an Infopath form with a number of drop down list boxes populated with different data. When a button is clicked I want the selected value taken from each drop down box and then added to a numbered list box. There will be a number of entrys to the numbered list box. How do i do this? I can only...
I need to write a new value to a SharePoint List and I am doing this via a repeating form. See this earlier post: The problem is the user will not type this information in to the repeating table, I need it to be copied to the repeating table...
Hi everyone. I'm making a form where two files are required to be attached. These files are generated from other forms, so the names are uniform and predictable. Ideally, I'd like to have a rule where only files with the name "Risk Assessment for (Title)" would be accepted. However...
Hi, I am wondering if there is any way,i can export all the rules,conditional formatting and datavalidations to excel for documentation.Because,if some one changes the rules of existing form in feature,it would create errors in form functionality.So,i thought of documenting all the rules ,conditional...