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I am a BA and not a developer by any means. I am using Infopath Designer 2010 to create a form to be run in 2007 format. I am having a number of problems with action rules. I have several checkboxes and am trying to create an action rule that would set the values of 2 other checkboxes. The original set...
Hello, I am trying to pre check more than one check box based on another field. I am almost there. I can prepopulate a single check box but can't figure out the action rule logic to check 2 or more check boxes. My environment is InfoPath 2010. My check box field uses a SharePoint list data source...
Hi InfoPathers: I have 2 views in my InfoPath 2010 filler form, one called Configuration and one called Test Plan. The idea is that a developer fills in the configuration information for a team setup, that causes certain tests to appear on the test plan page, and a tester goes off and runs those tests...
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