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Hi all, my task is now to overtake a form which is really big. To improve load times and fullfil customer requirements, the form needs to be split up into pieces. Every piece consists of at least 1 whole view. The views do not need to be split. Is there an easy way to do this? Either I copy paste the...
I have a form that works well. I enter information and hit the save button and it is submitted to an existing SP list. I want to add a submit button that will send whatever information has been added to the form without saving or submitting the form. The form was created to track quotes for jobs and...
Hi all, I'm creating an InfoPath form that Submits to a SharePoint List in 2010 and will be used by a team of people inputting data. Sometimes they need to input lots of records that are almost identical to each other except for maybe one field. To save them from having to fill out the entire form...
Hello all, I am experiencing a problem related to SharePoint and Infopath forms. I have a SP library(A) with a number of items. Each item is releted to exaclty one form from another library(B). But the items from the B library can be related to many forms from the A library. My problem is how can I link...
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