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InfoPath Dev

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  • Sum columns in vertical repeating table

    I have a repeating vertical table within an InfoPath 2003 form which contains two columns; a user enters whole numbers into these columns which are then totalled in a third column. Using default values I have pre-populated a few rows in this repeating table. The problem arises when the user can select...
    Posted to General (Forum) by acidcircus on 03-19-2013
  • Auto-fill picture control based on previous text fields

    I am attempting to create an InfoPath 2003 form to document new product builds at work. There will be many pictures that will be uploaded into each form, and I would like to keep the form as simple as possible for the people uploading all of the information into the form. Ideally I would like to make...
    Posted to General (Forum) by nsodmordex on 08-13-2012
  • Conditional sum within a repeating table

    Hello, I am working in InfoPath 2003 and would like to sum data taken from a repeating table. However, this sum needs to be based on the value of a second field. For example - the table has a column for Amount and a column for Credit/Debit. If the Amount is < 0, the value in the Credit/Debit column...
    Posted to General (Forum) by Tracie on 09-03-2009
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