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My InfoPath form has multiple repeating tables that I want to save to separate sharepoint lists. Is this possible using Qdabra SaveToSharepointList? Can we have multiple Mapping files? What is the best way to accomplish what I need?
Hi Team, I had injected Qrules in to my infopath 2010 development template totally we have 71 attachment controls inside the form, while injecting Sandbox / Browser option selected. After publishing I am getting below error. "The form template has been published to the server but it can only be...
Hello, I've downloaded a trial version of Qrules 3.3 and want to use it to retrieve, adapt and submit the changes to sharepoint list again. Our company uses SP 2010 enterprise and IP 2010, some people use office 2007 so my forms are IP 2007 based. I have a SP list with several colums. I name a few...
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